If the meteorologists can't get it right, what makes folks think that the climatologists can either?

The meteorologists were calling for a major snow storm in the north east yesterday. Heavy snows from DC to Maine. In the end, they got some heavy snow in the upper north east, but the rest, even as far as New York was...if not a minor event, a far cry from what was predicted.

And this is with radar! They can actually see the storm! They can darned near look out the bloody window and see the thing and yet, with this real time view, their 'models' and their 'I can actually see it!' data, they were still WAY off. And this is here and now!

And yet we are told that global warming and climate change are 'settled science', led to believe that climatologists with nothing but their theories, their models and research papers making predictions 50 years out are infallible. To even question their predictions is to deny science! Seriously?


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Here's a better rebuttal against man-made global warming: CO2 accounts for approximately 4% of the greenhouse effect, while water vapor accounts for over 95% of the greenhouse effect. The keys is the difference between a molecule of CO2 and one of H2O. CO2 is a linear molecule, so it only has 3 possible vibrational states. This means it can only absorb a small range of radiation. H2O, however, is a bending molecule. It has 6 different vibrational states. It can absorb radiation across the spectrum, overlapping the wavelengths that CO2 can absorb. This is why water vapour is the dominant greenhouse gas and CO2 is insignificant.


And if you go back to what the models were predicting 10 or even 5 years ago you will see how unreliable they are.


lol you don't have a meteorological clue. what a dumbfook


Snow is made of what ? Water
The source of that water is what ? Evaporation
The cause of that evaporation is what ? Heat
Therefore by increasing the rate of evaporation global warming can and does cause heavy snowfalls
In fact some of the heaviest snowfalls in NYC history have happened in March when warm moist air moving north from the Gulf and the Atlantic collides with a cold Artic air mass moving south
I live 3 miles from the Gulf and it's current temp is 75 F


Exactly. There is only one absolute in our world, and that is the Holy Bible.

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