Who do you think would make a great president?


Favorite Answer

Bernie the Sand man

unlike many individuals I think Bernie actually cared about americans, the DNC went to great effort to make sure that Hillary got their nomination and not him.. Wonder why?

The fact that hillary has disappeared, yet bernie is still fighting for what real progressives stand for!


Mike Huckabee would have been good. Marco Rubio has the potential to be very good.


Darth Maul.

Larry Phischman2017-03-15T03:32:01Z

A genuine progressive who is willing to knock Wall Street down, put the leaders of our client states back in their proper subservient place, and answer any attempt at conservative obstructionism with fire and brimstone. During the first debt ceiling crisis under Obama, I would have forced the republican leadership to resign and unilaterally abolished the debt ceiling. I would have had Ted Cruz arrested for sedition after he shutdown the government.


I don't even egging know, anymore. I don't know.

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