Why is the left concerned with people losing health insurance when they did NOT care when millions lost their health insurance under ACA?

Millions lost their health insurance and their doctor when O'Care was imposed on America. And the left? Didn't hear a peep out of them. So, why the concern now? Is it simple hypocrisy or something else?


Could be the part where the "millions" who lost their insurance, had other options available "Obamacare" for instance. Or the fact that more people gained coverage than lost it. Where as the regressive plan is a bigger hand out to the rich and millions even more Americans losing their health care with no options.


According to FOX ...

"Study finds 20M would lose health coverage under Trump plan"



They only lost lousy insurance, where they were paying for very small benefits. What they got in return was the much improved insurance that they had access to through the ACA. Do try to get your facts straight before you post.

The Oracle of Omigod2017-03-15T14:09:29Z

The Liberals are also throwing around the "statistic" that 25 million people are about to lose health insurance, when they previously claimed that perhaps 10 million fewer people gained it under the "Affordable""Care" Act.

SMH Corp2017-03-15T14:06:20Z

Can you provide a source for your numbers?

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