Would college be right for me?

In high school I didn't fare too well, I sucked at math(as in I took algebra every year as I just couldn't grasp the concept of it) I did fine in science and English. I plan on going for either teaching elementary school or to be able to increase my chances of getting in to a zoo to work as a zookeeper.


If you want to be a teacher, you need to go to college.
If you want to be a zoologist, you'll need to go to college.


To become a professional zookeeper, you'd need a science degree, and that would almost inevitably require college-level math. If you couldn't handle high school math, that would be a problem.

But we'll always need elementary school teachers, so if you choose to go to college, that may be the right path for you.


"Would college be right for me?"

How about one the specializes in English.

As for your career path, there are THOUSANDS that have programs for aspiring teachers and/or zoologists. You have to do your own research. We don't know your plans....if you want to stay close to home, if you wouldn't mind going all the way across the country...if you need a loan or can pay without one....etc.