Is it ok to get a vintage sports car for my first car.?

I'm 19 almost 20 I work and I'm responsible I make $2,000 a month and with rent,bills,groceries, and school I have 600 hundred spare dollars a month is that enough to maintain these cars and keep them in good condition. I'm looking for a vintage car thats less than $10,000, reliable and will work for at least 3 years.

0NE TRlCK P0NY2017-04-28T17:41:12Z

Favorite Answer

A few years back I was fortunate enough to pick up a 1959 Jaguar XK150 at an estate furniture auction, of all things.

On any older Sports Car be prepared to spend an above higher than average sum of cash to keep it properly maintained. I was lucky because my car came with many boxes of spare parts. All I've had to spend money on is fluids and a few safety modifications. And it helps that I do most of my own work on my cars.

And I'm sad to have to relate to you that you aren't going to get much of what your want for $10,000.00 either.

Best recommendation for reliability - A USED MAZDA MIATA. Stay away from anything British because they can be rather labour intensive.


Yes you should be able to do that. Older cars can be just as reliable


Where are you going to find such a car? A vintage car is unreliable by definition. Old = Unreliable simply because old parts fail at a higher rate than newer parts. And if ALL the old parts have already been replaced the car is going to be worth much more than you are willing to pay.

With your budget you can't afford to own a vintage car.

ANDRE L2017-04-28T20:52:27Z

OK, yes, smart, no frakking way.

Plus, your income is too low to get any kind of car loan, and no one loans money on used cars, anyway.

$600 a month is far too little money to pay for a monthly payment on a car loan, insure said car when you are at the age that you are, plus fuel and maintain the car. Take the bus.


A used Mazda Miata is your best bet.

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