What are some colleges I should consider?

So I am a sophomore living in Kansas. I have a 4.0, taking multiple Ap/College classes my junior and senior year, am involved in varsity football, baseball, scholars/quiz bowl, chess club, Student Council, am almost an Eagle Scout, Marching, Concert, and Jazz band.

My parents want me to narrow down my choices to a few colleges but I really don t care where I go. I want to go into Engineering but want to decide what part of Engineering in college. I would like them to have a good music program where I don t have to major in music, but I can still be a part of their bands/orchestras. It would be nice i I could study abroad or something.

So what are some colleges I could consider? Thanks!


All universities will have a study-abroad program; the problem is fitting it in around an engineering major. You may need to look for a summer abroad program so that you can get all your engineering classes in during the school year. Start by looking at the U. of Kansas and Kansas State. They don't have the strongest engineering programs around, but they'll be cheaper than going out of state. Other schools in your area to check out are Iowa State, the U. of Nebraska at Lincoln, the U. of Colorado, Colorado State, the U. of Missouri-Columbia, the U. of Missouri-Rolla, and maybe Oklahoma and Oklahoma State.

Donald B2017-05-04T02:35:17Z

Unless your parents have a lot of money to send you to school you need to go to a state school