You know why this unprecedented hack happened right? It's because of the back-doors Obama had them create for NSA.?

Obviously, I'm guessing here, but come on. It's the biggest hack in history. As much as Hollywood likes to glorify hackers, the truth is, hackers aren't God. They have physical and digital limitations when software is designed for the purpose of security without backdoors being intentionally created. Remember the Apple phone after San Bernadino. Remember Truecrypt.

When you design you security measures with the intention of having no backdoors, it makes it so difficult that even top-level tools are often rendered ineffective or only partially effective.

Yeah, I know about the NSA tools dump, but the reality is, without those backdoors that Obama had these software makers write in intentionally, the tools would never have been as effective as they are.

Not to mention the only reason these tools were even dumped by some unknown NSA agent is because their primary purpose wasn't to fight terrorism, it was to spy on the people. Obama had the NSA spying program designed to spy on YOU.

In fact, spying on you is the only reason thus far that NSA defectors have even exposed intel that they weren't supposed too. If those tools were being used to catch terrorists and not being used to spy on citizens day-to-day, these agents would never have exposed them for obvious reasons.


Excellent point. Liberals have been doing a lot of blind-eye turning. It's why I know that even though they themselves are more Libertarian in their core ideology, they would fully support and fight for a Fascist Democrat Party. And it's also why we can't let them win during elections. They can be told to believe anything. Really, without us, they would be under an oppressive dictatorship right now because they don't understand freedom. And if we let them win, we'll see that reality.


Favorite Answer

The biggest hack in US history was when China hit the OPM and stole the personal data of more than 21 million Americans. Funny how Obama gave them a pass, but he hit the Russians with economic sanctions for (allegedly) hacking John Podesta, a single civilian.


But otherwise, you're a big supporter of Obama, right?


Sounds like a stretch to me.