Why can't Americans discuss politics like adults?

Why can't we discuss anything political like adults? We get in heated arguments because we disagree on issues. Being able to disagree is what makes this country great! But it's hard to voice your opinion nowadays without being burned at the stake. Its not one political party or the other. I'm a conservative, and I disagree with pretty much everything liberal, however when I have a discussion with someone about Trump and I say something they disagree with or vice versa, I don't get angry, and it doesn't cause problems between me and that person. Why can't we be civil anymore?


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because some tend to "lose it" when they are wrong when they defend their side of conversation especially when they know the other makes all the sense in the world (i.e., talked about Hillary's corruption and they get their shorts in a bunch. They know she is evil and corrupted and money-hungry but they don't want to hear it nor accept it.


Jared shows us where you went wrong with your question. When leftists are losing a debate, which is always, they just call names as they aren't informed enough to do anything else.


Some of us can be civilized and adult about politics, but... no one listens.


Yahoo Answers is not the place for civil political discourse...and neither is San Francisco or any other liberal infested cesspool. Grew up there. Can't tell you how many times I had some unhinged progressive, mostly militant feminists, screaming in my face during my college years. That was 20 years ago, so the stubborn "tolerant" progressive mindset is spreading like a cancer.


Because the average American has less than a high school diploma, if that! Thus, many Americans are REALLY not educated on subjects that have complex solutions to complex problems. And Republicans defunding education is only making it worse.

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