Is Suicide Painless? It might make a change... I mean I can take it or leave it?


Favorite Answer

Only if you are a doctor at a MASH unit.


Suicide, depending on which way you choose to go out, may or may not be you. But to those around you, believe it or not, it will cause a lot of pain, even to those who you believe don't care. But they do. They may not seem like they do, they may tease you, or bully you, or ignore you, but no body means to drive someone to end their life. The guilt may even drive them to end their own lives. For others, their lives may end on the inside. Ending your life will change those lives around you forever. I had a friend kill himself last year. His sister is still haunted. His mother doesn't speak to anyone anymore. I still want to cry even thinking about him right now. I know things can get tough, for others, really tough. But it's how you come out of it that matters, don't let the hard parts of life keep you on your knees, stand up and keep moving! There will always be other hardships, but there is bliss in there somewhere, you got to keep going to find it. Keep going.


idk i never tried it

