Why do the racist cons think ISIS is an Islamic organization?

ISIS has literally NOTHING to do with Islam you racists! And the members of ISIS are good liberals that get it and not terrorists you racists!
Cenk Uygur the Snarkster coming at you racist cons!
Go Steelers!


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It stands for Islamic state


ISIS is the result of our giving weapons to people who wanted to overthrow Assad and Malicki, but they all turned out to be radical Islamic extremists.

Their propaganda is couched in the language of Islam, just as ours is couched in the language of democracy, but it really has nothing to do with either, and is all about who gets power, control, and money.


Either go back to the insane asylum you just walked out of or give yourself a pat on the back for being the best troll ever


Hmm, lets see, are they Islamic? Well, Islamic state gives it away and the fact they use the Quran to justify acts. Nope, it's lost on me to :)


Reported for ignorance

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