PERJURY? Jeff Sessions lied under oath to the Senate. Looks like he did have contact with a Russian lobbyist (see link below)?
Sessions didn't lie Shove your link.
There is nothing illegal about lobbyists in the U.S. There are foreign lobbyists registered here. Every country wants money from the U.S. or business. Mr. Sessions recused himself because he did have contact with certain Russian and other foreign nationals that would color his objectivity if investigating those people.
Elwood Blues
Under oath during his nomination hearings, Jeff Sessions said "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."
Therefore, any "communications" between Jeff Sessions and Russian officials during the campaign proves his statement under oath was a lie.
Sessions already admitted to two different communications with the Russian ambassador. This third case makes Sessions a triple liar in his sworn testimony.
k w
contact, like the jerk who hit my car? contact is not intercourse genius......and not sex either...dimwit
And why would the Guardian be trustworthy?