If Liberal Terrorist James Hodgekinson had succeeded in his mission to assassinate Republican congressmen would the Democratic party?

have a majority in the House now?

6 targets on Liberal Terrorist James Hodgekinson's death list.....

Scot Des Jarlais (R-TN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Morgan Griffith (R-VA)

Follow up question: How quickly would the Democrats have moved on an impeachment vote against President Trump if Liberal Terrorist James Hodgekinson had succeeded in his mission to assassinate Republican congressmen?


No the democrats would celebrate like Lenin killed foes

Mr. Smartypants2017-06-17T19:04:19Z

Not exactly. The Republicans lead the Democrats in the House of Representatives by 45 seats (and there are 4 vacancies). Meaning that if you wanted to flip the House by murdering congressmen, you'd have to kill at least 23 of them, and all of those 23 would have to be replaced with Democrats. 6 wouldn't make a dent.

And the thing is, even if you did kill 23 congressmen from red states, the great majority of them would be replaced with other Republicans. So you'd have to kill a lot more than that. Just as if someone eliminated Trump, he'd be replaced by a Republican.


One wonders how much Democrats would have celebrated. Would they have had parades and passed out candy like their friends the Palestinian terrorists do?


I am so sorry that his beautiful dreams died with him.


What's wrong with killing southern conservatives? Especially if they are still mentally living in the 1800's?

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