Since Jesus' death was nullified by his resurrection, he didn't really die. Does that mean that his death was symbolic?

Also, how did he die for our sins if he didn't stay dead? Doesn't his resurrection defeat the purpose of his "dying for our sins?"


Yes. Have faith in Bible.


You have a false assumption that Jesus' death is somehow nullified by His resurrection.


Punishment for sin is death, if you don't sin you don't die, Jesus din't sin, therefore devil has no right to take his life, but still did, so then Jesus is resurrected because he is Holy, now the devil made a huge blunder ( of course which God fully planned ).

Before this moment, Satan would go to God and challenge God but now Jesus defeated Satan and is our inter mediator between Satan, so that when Satan tries to question why this person isn't punished for his sin, Jesus intermediates and says, I already took the punishment for him, so he is free.


It is clear that it did not "feel symbolic" to Him when it happened.


He really did die, for 3 whole days. Heart not beating and not breathing for 3 days is not symbolic buddy.

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