Why did they Fire Rockets Into the moon's Surface? If " HERE MEN FROM THE PLANET EARTH FIRST SET FOOT UPON THE MOON JULY 1969, A.D.?


The words on a plaque left on the Moon by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong 0701 / 2017


Favorite Answer

Rocket impacts can give scientists an idea of the composition and strength of the lunar surface


Uh Duh, from the information given the 1969 expedition, had no coherent relevancy to the 2015 Attack. Duhhhhh, This is not my question, Hymie; glad you found something to Plagiarize / Steal. 0705 / 2017


You mean, when they were looking for lunar ice...? They sent an impactor into the moon's surface to stir up what may be there - namely, water ice.
No Lunar animals were harmed in the experiment.


Because NASA has a knack for blowing things up.

spot a2017-07-02T04:12:08Z

Rocket impacts can give scientists an idea of the composition and strength of the lunar surface
Scientists hoped to find evidence of ice at the bottom of dark craters at the Moon's poles, where temperatures are lower than minus 170C.