Should you be mad at your gf/bf or random guy or girl?
I never understood why like when a bf catches his gf having sex with a guy (who didn't know she had a bf) why does the bf try to beat up the guy? I'm not saying the bf should beat up his gf I'm just saying like in situations where the guy doesn't know the girl has a bf because she never told him, is it fair that the guy gets beat up? Or vise versa, why does the gf beat up the unsuspecting girl who didn't know the bf had a gf? Or in other cases in general why does the bf/gf get mad at the random person rather than their gf or bf?
Like I see it as two admins in a relationship. If one of then are caught cheating then that means it's one of the admins faults. See her I'm saying? Like if I caught my best friend having sex with my gf, I would be made at my best friend but mainly my gf because, unless my best friend FORCED my girl to do something like that, if would be my girls fault for APPROVING something like that. Someone can get into another person's relationship UNLESS one of the two admins ALLOW something like that to happen.
But like I was saying my first paragraph is about RANDOM people, second one is ABOUT BEST FRIEND so don't get them confused