Are there any prestigious community colleges?

I'm the first in my family that is going to go to college so its hard to ask them questions about stuff like this. I messed up my first 2 years of high school and i'm working on fixing that while keeping my current grades and future grades high. I talked to my counselor about college and he said, its too late to go to a university as a freshman and its easier to just transfer from a junior college to a university anyways. That kinda bummed me out because I was planning on going into a university as a freshman but that's okay. So my question is, is there any prestigious community colleges and if so, what are they and where are they. I live in California and don't want to go out of state so if you could name some in California, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

ibu guru2017-08-19T15:13:54Z

There are no "prestigious" community colleges. Even for the first two years of university level work, they are typically far inferior to all but the worst-rated universities. However, most states have programs whereby graduates with associate's degrees from state community colleges can transfer into state colleges, if they meet GPA & other requirements.


No. There are no prestigious community colleges. What you should talk to your counselor about is TAG. This is a program where six of the University of California campuses guarantee California community college students admission provided they meet the requirements of completing 30 transferable credit hours at a CC.

This is a great way for students to focus their community college efforts and then end up with a UC Bachelor's degree.


I can't answer he question but I can say that the local community colleges are not viewed favorably. Most people think of them as watered-down versions of colleges - that is why transfer of course credits can be difficult. I think using community college as a way to sort out what you might like to study is a reasonable idea - but realize that the quality of the education is not top-notch.

Simpson G.2017-08-19T05:19:16Z

Prestigious, no. But, many of the CC's in CA offer quality education. Quality.


I don't know where you live but I know Mt. Sac, MSJC which I go there, RCC, Pasadena city college.