Anyone have experience with Kratom?


Two of my patients tried it. Both died.


I just took some, 35 minutes ago. Have used it off and on for 9 years for various old injuries that it relieves for a while.
After 9 years of on- again, off- again use, I've never experienced anything even remotely close to the symptoms listed by Anonymous, above. These things may happen with the high potency Kratom used in southeast Asia, or an extract, high in active ingredients (mainly mitragynine), but the run of the mill, low/medium potency ground leaf kratom sold in the western world just isn't that strong. The issue is usually more about getting a strain potent enough to have more than a feeble effect. Two of my neighbors began using it for physical ailments about a year or so ago. One is a Minister, the other a Deputy Sheriff. Neither of their lives have degenerated since starting it, either. I know one person who can only function on kratom, since without it, he has too much pain, and opiates were not an option for him.
Based on my 9 years experience with it, and the experience of the many people I know who use it, some of the things listed above sound downright ridiculous; nothing close to that has happened (at least with the low strength kratom that's mostly what you get in the US and the West). And since those things don't happen to me, I don't need to worry about the negative effects some Asian addict who smokes kratom resin every hour is getting from it. Kratom resin and low strength US kratom leaf are so different, they might as well be 2 different drugs. This, as opposed to my swallowing a few spoons a day of ground leaf. Not the same.
An almost exact analogy would be the huge difference between chewing Coca leaves, and smoking Crack. Chewing Coca leaves is known to have an effect not much stronger than coffee, yet crack is entirely a different game. Same thing with kratom leaf vs. extract vs. resin
Having said this, I still advise you don't use it unless you have a physical issue that hasn't responded to any medical treatments (this is what happened in my case). If you just wanna get high, forget it. And the low strength ground leaf available here will only produce a high when you first start, once you get used to it, you'd need a stronger extract to get a high, although it's other effects on pain and other symptoms continue
to work.