Best way to acquire a .22 barrel for home build.?

Considering making a .22 break action truck-gun/varmint rifle. I have a design and get most of the parts from scrap materials I own, but I'm wondering if there's a cheap way to acquire a .22 barrel either from building or buying. I wish to comply with ATF and state regulations so barrel needs to be at least 16" in length.

Like I said, trying to keep this cheap. Not putting a lot of effort and money into this so the cheaper the better. Is it easier/cheaper to build a rifled barrel from round-stock or is it better to just buy one?


Favorite Answer

Green Mountain sells barrel blanks for pretty cheap.

The other alternative is to get a "take off" from a gunsmith, but there aren't too many folks re-barreling a 22 unless the barrel is already ruined.


Post under "Hunting."