Sin is something that is forbidden by God. Why would God come to earth and die for a human being sin when he can just forgive the sin?


A Sin is not a Sin, if you LIE about it; and have enough Allies to Attest to the Sin. IE. Piggs ( Cheerleaders ), Doggs ( Announcers ) Goats ( D.A., Lawyers, Jude's ( Judges ) etc. Hi I'm with the Ulster County A.S.P.C.A. can you find it in your Heart to home one of the Aforementioned Kingston, NY Residents; they are great with the Kiddies. lol.. ...0921 / 2017


The only Sin is to LIE, which covers all Mortal Crimes against the Children of GOD; When a Crime becomes Repetitions, and with the Knowledge of 1 ( EVE ), or more, as Allies of the Criminal / Kremlin all these Redundant Crimes grow, and Harder to become Sin / Sinful. As Crimes can be Adjudicated by Mortals, and Sin, must be Paid in Blood. [ ] 0921 / 2017


Bulky_Bob Keep your green Blood, and your Black Seed; and stay away from my Children, If I want too Raise Dogs, I'll fight in your Wars , while you Seduce / Rape my Wife and Kids, like Chico. Thanks anyway Puppy, happy Hunting. lol.. ...1012 / 2017


Favorite Answer

Because He cannot "just forgive the sin". He has stated that it does not work that way. Sin cannot be ignored; it can only be forgiven by payment:

"For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life" (Leviticus 17:11).

"In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22).

You see that the principle of shedding blood for sin is in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus was the blood payment for all of our sins. "God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus" (Romans 3:25-26).


It is complex, just doing think about it. Just obey him.


You say WHY like any answer will reveal the necessity BUT JESUS denies that totally : IT WAS FREELY DONE. You say "No, if I didn't have to I wouldn't" _-- that shows you think God is like you. HE IS NOT


Two things:
1) As an atheist, it is impossible for me to commit an affront to a god, therefore, it is impossible for me to sin.

2) In the fairy story called "The Bible", the author's realized they needed that story line "for plot".
Imagine if JRR Tolkien had Gandalf take the ring on the back of an Eagle and dropped it into Mount Doom.
Story over, no book sales.
@John Matthews: "States" actually have been proved to exist.


Because religion is man-made bullshit, that's why. Anyone who seriously believes in 'god' at this point in time is either stupid or not educated on the topic.

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