For Republicans, if Trump is NOT the Republican nominee but still runs, would you vote for him (regardless of the Democratic nominee)?


I am not interested if you think it's likely or not. It is a hypothetical question. I only care about responses to this question as written, even if you think it will never happen. For President in 2020. Only Republicans please, whether you voted for Trump or not last time.

Spock (rhp)2017-10-22T16:21:41Z

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The Oracle of Omigod2017-10-22T16:21:35Z

Well, wouldn't we have to know who the Republican nominee was? The only reason Trump is President is because the Dems stood Hillary up as the alternative.


No. I didn't vote for Trump last year, and won't vote for him in 2020. He is evil.


I will vote for the best person running, Democrat or Republican. There is no way I'd vote for liar, murder Hillary so I would still vote for Trump. Not saying he is the best choice but better than Hillary.


I would never vote for a Democrat.

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