What is the best day of the year to buy a new car?


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There is really no "best" day to buy a car, but there is a best time of the year to buy, and it is usually towards the end of a calendar year when most car dealers want to get rid of their inventory to make room for the new year models. Usually the best time to buy starts at September and goes through the end of the year where dealers will offer big rebates and other kinds of offers.


the next to the last day of any month ... so the dealer does not have to pay the floor plan fees for that month ..... just do not tell them you know that == AND == remember that those people at the dealerships are not your friends [[ all they want is your money and they will sweet talk you into buying the car that you do not want == beware ,,,,


That day does not exist


Friday 13th.


The day your bank balance is $1,000 more than what the car costs. That should cover the insurance and registration. (Unless you live in CA. Then you need much more.)

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