Should there be a minimum IQ to get a driver's license?

I know someone who suffered noticeable brain damage and it is still drives on a regular basis. The license is valid for 9 more years. Seems dangerous.


Contact the DMV and report the situation.
If they were not made aware of her injuries and now deficits, there would be no trigger for her to have her driving privileges pulled. A report could do that.

Just a warning though- as it is now, she is likely insured. I have known a person with a TBI who should not have been driving, but along with the impaired judgement comes bad decisions like driving without a license. if her license is pulled, no insurance would cover her victims. if she still had it, there would be a chance they would be covered.

Pulling a license does not, sadly, mean someone won't drive.
But you are correct- if she has mental deficits, her license would likely be pullled.


Report your concerns to the DMV.

Joseph B2017-10-31T05:12:44Z

Report them to the police or the motor vehicle department.


ability not appearances


I believe that's information their physician would have access to and would put on the paperwork necessary to get a licence. Doctor's call.

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