What should I major in?

I m going to college next year and I know what I want to do, but I don t know how to get there. I love business! I really just think it s super interesting and I know it s the direction I really want. However, I know that business is overdone because everyone does it. I m really wanting to get into sales, whether it s being a salesman, sales rep, or I would really like to be a sales consultant. And if I don t do those, maybe get into statistics. So what degree should I pursue? I just don t want to waste my time in school and be SOL on finding a job with the philosophy students.


Unless you are going for Engineering or Nursing, you don't have to decide right away. If you want to get into Sales you could major in communications, business 9or the various areas of business), psychology or economics. It also depends on WHAT you want to sell. For example, if you want to sell software or technology, you might benefit from courses, minor or major in computer systems, programming, statistics or analytics. If you are interested in pharmaceutical sales, biochemistry might be valuable. This is not a one size fits all things. Go to college. Take a lot of different things as a freshman. See what you are good at and enjoy.


I'd try marketing. It's the most interesting and fun of the business majors, and requires some statistics. But ultimately it's up to you. That's just my opinion. I couldn't do the math so I had to switch from marketing to public relations. Let's see how that works out




talk to your school counselor