What is the latest PS vita model? Is there another model coming out soon?

Donnie Porko2017-11-25T05:48:13Z


I don’t see a vita 2 in the future because Sony sucks at making portables. It exeeeds the 3Ds is every way except for the most important: games. Vita just doesn’t have the games to compete with the 3ds.

Nintendo has/will stop production of the 3ds by the end of this year and there’s been no announcement about a new handheld from Nintendo so maybe handhelds are dead.


Not likely.
[quote] What is the PS Vita, why the PS Vita is set to be around for a good while yet, and why there will be a new PS Vita in 2015. Also: why we won't ever see a PS Vita 2.
By Matt Egan | 12 Feb 2015
[quote] If you're hoping for a PS Vita 2 or new PlayStation handheld there's some bad news. As support for Sony's Vita dwindles, so does hope for a successor.
By Simon Sayers on 22 July 2017