How can a Structured System IE. the United States become Strong if the Government can not Masculate either Gender; 1202 / 2017?


IE. Fortitude v. Emotion. adding in the Transgendered formations, and any other desisting lower level of Identity to Gender confusions? Should freedom of Choice be limited to after choice of Gender has been Established? 1202 / 2017

Wisdom From Above2017-12-02T17:09:23Z

Favorite Answer

It can't and won't. Here's why. The Bible prophesied at Daniel 2:41-43 how the Anglo-American World Power (Great Britain and the United States)“... will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile.” They are described as an amalgam of iron and clay. Just as an iron structure mixed with clay is weaker than solid iron, so too the Anglo-American World Power is weaker than the power from which it emerged (Roman) How?

In the Anglo-American World Power, people have risen up to claim their rights through civil rights campaigns, labor unions, and independence movements. The common people undermine the ability of the Anglo-American World Power to act with ironlike strength. Also, opposing ideologies and close election results that do not end up in a clear majority have weakened the power base of even popular leaders, so that they have no clear mandate to implement their policies.

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