Could someone please critique this poem?


Small high-school boy who's come to grief
from football bully, lunch-bread thief,
take heart – in science class you'll shine,
earn scholarships too, down the line;

and his ascendancy won't last:
you're bound for college, he the street;
from tougher thugs he can't run past
he'll there his due comeuppance meet.

As you win wealth with your degree
he'll toil as your Security
while they, your cops, herd dumb wage-slaves
for you until they reach their graves.

But there are some who cages can't
dissuade from dreams, ideals or art -
who, decoyed by recruiters' rant
through chaos, war – will yet keep heart!

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2017-12-19T12:34:38Z

Favorite Answer

I can relate as in school, I was skinny, a red head, half breed, and gay. I went on to my Masters, in Psych, and my Bully, went on to obscurity.