Can Britain be entered in the Darwin Awards, since brexit is a determined attempt at self destruction?


It is nothing of the kind. It is a determined attempt to free Britain from a dictatorship which wants to turn Britain into merely one state of a federal Europe. That was always the plan - Jean Monnet said so - to turn Europe into one big country by stealth. And now the EU is all hurt that the British public has finally noticed this.


What would they have done without the European Union like the Millennials wonder how we lived without the Internet and Cell Phones.
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if many Millennials believed that George Washington had a Cell Phone just as many others believe Britain never existed before the European Union.



They survived when most of Europe was under Nazi domination. They also survived a long time outside of the EEC. I’m sure they’ll survive without Europe.

The real question is... will Germany survive carrying economic dead weight like Greece, Italy, and Spain by itself. Lulz.

Vincent G2017-12-24T19:24:57Z

No. The point is that, to be considered for the Darwin Awards, one has to remove their genes from the gene pool, i.e. they should no longer be able to reproduce.
I don't believe those have been prevented from breeding yet.


Boaty McBrexit is a stupid idea, and it's become clear now that they were encouraged and egged on by Russians wanting to weaken western europe and NATO. The vote needs nothing except to be ignored.

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