I’m 15 and NEVER had a guy show any interest in me?

I know how petty and pathetic this sounds but it’s really getting to me lately. Every other person my age that I know has at least had one of the following: a girlfriend/boyfriend or a past relationship, a kiss, or people (even ONE person) or the opposite sex show an interest in them, even text them. I haven’t though, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me :( I know I’m not one of those really hot popular girls, but I don’t think I’m that Ugly. I wear make up and dress nice for me, to make myself feel good since no one else does but As much as I don’t want to I’m staring to get jealous of all my friends. I know people my age having regular sex or doing other things with guys, and I haven’t even had so much as a real kiss (I’ve kissed 2 guys at discos (strangers, which i regret) just because I didn’t want people thinking I’m fidgid.) Am I weird or will it get better?


Favorite Answer

When I was 15 it was the Same. No guys showed interest and it didn't really bother me because it wasn't something I wanted at that time. But I'm 18 now and when go out to places I end up with 4 guys asking me for my numbers etc. Sometimes we need to mature ourself and find our selfs attractive before others will. We develop en we grow and get more self confident over time ( not because boys like you but because you like yourself and you are confident in who you are) and that takes time. Takes time to develop yourself etc.guys find self confidence in girls very attractive (not bitchiness orcockiness etc, just a pure love or like for yourself that you keep your head up high even when noone shows Interest.) don't need boys to show you that you are OK. Only you can decide that. Only you tell yourself if you are okay or not. Maby you are shy and they don't know how to approach you. And your friends are not shy and they are outgoing and that's why guys find it easier to chat to them.


Give it some time and don't push it so hard. You'll meet someone soon enough. It will all happen for you. Just take your time and let it happen instead of trying too hard. You have a lot to give and you'll make some guy really happy. :)