After 8 years of incessant whining from the “fiscally conservative” Republicans, why didn’t they balance the budget?

Obviously they could not eliminate the massive debt, but surely they could eliminate the deficit. After all the tax cuts they passed, they did without Democrats.


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The deficit, debt and budget items were red herrings, the only thing the billionaires wanted was to pay less and transfer the cost of government to the working and middle classes. They don’t care what the consequences are, cut social security, eliminate Medicare, etc. just cut billionaire taxes.


Not only have the reps failed to seek or enact measures to spend less, they have drastically slashed revenue w/ tax cuts for the elite.
We've seen this act before. The reps destroy the economy w/ irresponsibility saving the painful budget cuts and repair for the dems.
The reps slap each other on the back for giving money away like it's some kind of proud accomplishment. I have free money ... watch how fast people line up.


Democrats are fiscal conservatives. Not Republicans.


Because, as you are watching today if you are paying attention, the democrats are willing to shut down the government to prevent anything but increases in spending.


One word...Obama

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