Why haven’t the noble, patriotic, Republicans ended the threat of the evil socialist Democrat filibuster for the good of the country?

Surely they are not afraid of losing it forever? America has spoken.


This is a paid anti-liberal troll trying to ruin our country. Ignore it.

Staap It2018-01-18T18:01:10Z

Because since they have had a tremendous opportunity, with the president, the congress and the senate, Republicans have chosen to throw their careers in the dirt. A choice they made by doing NOTHING to help President Trump make changes for OUR AMERICAN people that would be great for us. The republicans are allowing BY CHOICE the Dems to have their day.
As I have said many times here ... It makes NO difference the party, they ARE ALL the same cockroaches. The GAME is ping pong. One side throws a fit, then the other. The result is all the same.

In the end this Political Theater game as ALWAYS results in NOTHING being done for AMERICANS. Make NO mistake THAT IS the game they play.

SMH Corp2018-01-18T17:53:33Z

Because they're neither noble nor patriotic. They serve the party before their nation.


Democrats and their party are whiny spoiled children.

The endlier is very triggered.


What's "it."

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