Why did The Last Jedi not answer any of the questions that came up in The Force Awakens?

We still don't know who Snoke was or how Rey is so gifted with The Force or how that little orange Yoda like woman knew so much etc.


Favorite Answer

Because the guy who wrote the script knew absolutely nothing about the Star Wars universe- I would go as far to say he obviously doesnt care for it in least, otherwise these questions would have had answers and beloved, timeless characters (eg Luke Skywalker) wouldn't be written as cowards and imbeciles. There is a lot wrong with that film and it can be chalked up to the writer and the company surrounding said writer. Just forget this movie ever happened and console yourself by bingeing on movies 4-6.

Even episodes 1-3 were better than this. Jar Jar is better than this film!


So people will come and see the next movie for the answers.