Why do they call it ovaltine?

The lid's round, the jar's round, why don't they call it roundtine


Did you know the Jewish version is Oy vey tine?

Big Kahuna2018-01-26T01:31:52Z

Well,Gritty Malty Drekk just never caught on,name wise.

Bubba Gubbins2018-01-25T22:10:38Z

Made from OVum (egg) and mALT.

Karen L2018-01-25T19:30:18Z

You can find that out by googling Ovaltine and reading about it. Why ask here?


Seinfeld - Banya (I think that's how it's spelled.) was a comedian that Jerry hated and that was one of his routines. It's sad what ends up sticking in my memory...

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