What famous (possibly infamous) Chicogoan?

died in the summer of 1957 - 59 or maybe 1960. The person died someplace else and was returned to Chicago for services. Whoever it was, had enough significance that it warranted a police escort, and people lined the road taking pictures of the hearse as it left the airport


The hearse is very clearly a 1957 Cadillac.
I believe the police car is also a '57


Favorite Answer

Frank Lloyd Wright
Raymond Chandler
Ernest Hemingway
Eliot Ness


Most likely Al Capone


I don't seem to be able to update my question, so I'll write here

Siddhartha - Many thanks for your suggestions.
All of those people were buried in places other than Chicago, though it seems possible that any famous person's body may have made a few stops - especially to the place of birth - before it got to its final resting place.

From your list, it seems most likely to be Hemingway. Raymond Chandler died in March, Frank Lloyd Wright died in April, and Eliot Ness died in May. The photo was clearly taken on a warm day and the trees are in full leaf. Hemingway died in July. Funeral directors usually kept their hearses pretty new, but 4 years old isn't awful. And Hemingway would have had people lining the roads.

So far Hemingway is my best candidate