why are breasts considered sexual?
Because of reproductive function/hormone?
in context of behavior.
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Because of reproductive function/hormone?
in context of behavior.
This was a silly question. Please don't answer it. I apologize for asking this stupid question. Please delete it moderators.
We made them sexual objects. Its really just that simple. There is no other reason.
It's a secondary sexual characteristic in human females. An obvious presence of breasts is an indicator that a human female has reached sexual maturity.
For further reading: "The Descent of Woman" and "The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis." I do not endorse either of these books as anything other than "makes you think" but sometimes thinking is okay.
Cal King
in terms of natural selection, men are sexually attracted to breasts because mammary glands are critical to the nourishment of babies up until recently, when baby formula and cow's milk became widely available. Organisms have evolved to behave in ways that help them survive and reproduce. For example, flies are attracted to the odor of rotting flesh because they lay their eggs on it, and their maggots will be able to feed on it. Similarly, dogs are attracted to the same odor because when food is short, even badly rotten meat can keep them alive In contrast we are repulsed by the same odor because humans have been cooking meat for over a million years (our ancestor Homo erectus invented the controlled use of fire) and our immune system are so used to food that lacks harmful bacteria that rotten meat will make us sick. to avoid food that can make us sick or kill us, we evolved to find rotten meat repulsive
Because mammary glands are so critical to reproduction, men have evolved to find them attractive. Men who are attracted to women with undeveloped mammary glands may have trouble having kids, because their mate does not have enough milk to keep the baby alive, and the genes that govern their behavior will also disappear. Mammary glands are not the only thing that matters in reproduction of course, because humans have more difficulty giving birth than other animals. it is due in part to our large sized skull. Human babies often have much bigger skulls than baby apes To make things worse, because we are bipedal, our pelvis has changed so that a baby has more difficulty getting out of the womb at birth than apes Therefore women have evolved a wider pelvis than men. In turn, men find women with a wide pelvis to be more attractive because she is likely to have less difficulty with child birth. If a woman dies during child birth because she has a pelvis that is too narrow, then her baby will either die or starve to death. not surprisingly, experiments have shown that men are attracted to women with good sized mammary glands and a wide pelvis, the so-called hourglass figure. The narrow waist has no adaptive value, but it serves to inform the observer that the pelvis is noticeably wider than the waist.
Such preference for wide pelvis and well developed mammary glands is natural selection, as opposed to sexual selection because sexual selection deals with features that are preferred by male or female even though they have no survival value. For example, the classic example of the male peacock's tail is considered a feature that evolved because of sexual selection as opposed to natural selection. Although observations of wild individuals show that male peacocks are actually less likely to be eaten by predators than females, biologists thought long ago that because the tail is so conspicuous, it must have resulted in male peacocks being more visible to predators and therefore males are in bigger danger for having it, and therefore it could not have evolved due to natural selection and it could only have evolved because of female choice, a type of sexual selection.
because breast are a good sign of age, health and fertility. that's why theyre attractive. just like a large butt and hair. that's why some countries have women cover their hair. and almost every country makes you cover breasts and butts.
i guess because its a unique female quality .. usually ..