Any Trump Retards get coffee at McDonald's today and watch FOX?


I am at Starbucks. There is no TV here.


No, but your fake concern is a sign of mental illness is the same as the democrat Cruz shooter.


This question as written is designed to inflame, expose extreme bigotry, and cause disruption. It serves no useful purpose and violates the terms of use of this forum. Regardless of whether it is pointed to the left extreme or the right extreme or toward any other direction it is totally improper. I suspect the writer would be furious were it directed to his viewpoints and consider such comments an insult but since he is directing it toward those with whom he disagrees, he sees nothing wrong in such comment. No wonder Washington DC behaves this way, they are merely reflecting the bigotry of their constituents. I suggest we all immediately halt such biased, bigoted, inflammatory statements as they serve absolutely NO useful purpose.


I’m hoping to bankrupt McDonald’s


Nope just Hilary retards