Why does Yahoo! News not cover the evidence for DNC collusion with Russia?

DNC pays (on record, proven, admitted to) $10 million to a foreign agent to get fake stories from Russian sources to influence the outcome of our election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. And it's all right in front of them, under their noses, and they don't report it. This is litteraly the collapse of our Democracy when the media stops being reporters and start acting like Pravda, the Communist propaganda arm of the Russian government.


You're referring to the Steele Dossier. This has been reported about a lot, but it's not as big a story as Russia because a) Clinton is not president and b) more importantly this isn't corrupt. What Clinton did was opposition research which is completely legal. If Trump did what some people suspect him of doing then that is corruption and a crime

Mao Bidden2018-02-22T01:50:01Z

They are not news, they had Michael Isikoff write an article from Michael Steele to validate the DNC dossier. LOL


I can't find a source that states the DNC paid Russian sources on Hillary Clinton's behalf. Didn't you write (on record, proven, admitted to)? Where do I find this information?


Because they are not a fantasy magazine.


I think you colluded with furries in your mom's basement.

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