Best course of action to get eBay refund for non-delivery?

I ordered something on eBay. Fedex says they delivered it, but I never received the package. I requested either a refund or another shipment from the seller. I don't know if Fedex delivered to the wrong address, or if the package was stolen. All I can say is that I was home and Fedex didn't ring my doorbell. I went downstairs to get my regular mail 2 hours after the alleged delivery time, and the package was not there.

If seller refuses to issue a refund, is it better to try to collect under eBay's money back guarantee, or should I instead file a credit card dispute? Ebay's policy says that if I attempt to collect under their option, I have to accept their decision as final. From what I've read on the website and elsewhere, it seems like eBay could reject my claim because Fedex says that they delivered it. I called eBay and spoke to someone, and she told me that I should be able to get a refund if they step in. But I'm not sure that she knew what she was talking about.

What happens if I file a claim with eBay, they reject it, and I file a credit card dispute anyway? Is that definitely against the rules? If so, what is the penalty?


To clarify, it was a box of 600 empty ink cartridges for $42,95. For eBay's dispute resolution, it says that a signature is required if the item is at least $750. Perhaps if I can't get satisfaction from eBay or my credit card, I can sue Fedex in small claims court. It is really their fault.


If you have not put in a claim with your credit card, do that now.
They have a window in which they will investigate.
File a claim with Fedex and with ebay- and let them all duke it out.
And bythe way- file a report with your local police. It's possible the package was actually stolen, and without a police report, these other parties may not consider a claim.
You should also check with your insurance company to see if there might be coverage.


your 1st course of action is to file a "lost package" claim w/fedex........they will need to research what happened, which can take some should NOT expect a refund from the ebay seller because they did their job of shipping the package; after it left their home or business, it was not their responsibility


I'd follow up with Fed Ex. I have the same complaint that you do. I'm home and they are too lazy to ring the doorbell. Yet, sometimes, they do. To bad all of their drivers don't do it. It should be their policy, especially when stolen packages is a major problem in some areas. Tell Fed Ex that they left it at the wrong house because you have been home - waiting for it, all day long. If you can't get anywhere, then you will have to file a claim against the buyer. I'm not sure that will work when their delivery services states that it was delivered. Disputing it with your credit card company would also likely be useless, since there is a record that the item was delivered. Could it be that the item was stolen? There are people who follow those trucks just to steal the packages shortly after delivery. Another reason why they should ring the doorbell. When you complain to them, make sure you complain about the delivery man not doing it, which they should do to reduce the possibility of theft. Good luck.


You can try the process with eBay, but your odds of a refund are low if FedEx shows it as delivered. Your credit card isn't likely to do anything if it shows as delivered, either.

You can try a claim with FedEx, but if you have a release on file for them to leave packages, you could be out of luck if it was stolen.

You're overall going to have a very difficult time trying to get a refund for non-delivery when FedEx says it was delivered.


Start your claim with ebay. The delivery company should have a signature for delivery. If they do and it's not you, then you're allowed a refund.

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