What is the best way for Canada to retaliate against the US steel tariffs?
Counter-tariffs are a bad idea as all tariffs are a bad idea, and such retaliation will only further hurt both eceonomies. What is a better way to get back at the US and cause damage only to them?
Sunday Crone2018-03-04T11:46:53Z
Since the US has almost no steel mills any longer, the best retaliation would be for the countries who make seel to not sell to the US,.
something crucial you miss fizz,because of the leftwing halftruth or less blog or 'newssite' you frequent,trumps tarriff was aimed at the russian guy,,a genuine troll and putin pal who rakes in americansky loot for selling alymiHym to greedy americansky komerciantsyi trump intends to see miners get a lot of jobs pulling the bauxite for good quality metal from our southeast they never told you that in china did they? ya know,,it just might hurt canada,your pal the leftist could help local aluminum makers life easier by removing dingbats who do nothing useful from tax paid employment roles. you might go help him with your sense of efficiency
I doubt the tariffs in question will be applied to Canada, because it's just too complicated for the auto industry. If the tariffs did apply to Canada, I guess it would be the Typhoon instead of the F-35 for the RCAF. Defence/aerospace always gets their attention in Washington.
The Canadian steel industry is in more of a decline than the US. Like the US, most are shut down due to Chinese parterships. They can make the steel in China, inspect it in Canada or the US and skirt the rules. All North American steel foundry workers are cheering Trump.
Edit: To answer your question, it would be Electricity exports to US cities.