Is God's judgment criterion-referenced or norm-referenced? In other words, does God grade on a curve?

Criterion-referenced grading compares achievement to an objective standard. Norm-referenced grading compares achievement to the performance of others, based on the normal curve.

TRUE BEYOND BELIEF2018-04-01T18:07:24Z

Favorite Answer

Several scriptures hint that each person is judged as an individual. So God takes into account the natural gifts and talents we are given, plus the opportunities or challenges of our family and social environment. Some have the privilege, of meeting God in very real ways -in having visions or powerful dreams, albeit, such experiences bring their own responsibilities.

Those who have never heard the gospel will be judged on how they have obeyed their inner Light - namely, their conscience.


There isn't anything you can do to stop me


It's too long to put here, but go read the "The Parable of the Bags of Gold" in Matthew 25:14-46. It will explain how God looks at what a person does with the custodial gifts entrusted to him for a short time.

Keith J2018-03-31T18:49:56Z

Perfect judgement, because Jesus Christ was without sin That is why there is no one who cannot be saved by God's grace.

David at Your Service2018-03-31T18:44:07Z

I think the Great Flood demonstrates that God does NOT grade on any sort of curve.

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