Attorney Argues It was Fault of White minority Trump Supporters They Were Beaten, hit, Egged, Bloodied After San Jose Rally, will Atty win?

the Term white minority was used as this event took place in CA, where official govt stats and the MSM say whites are a minority, if you don't believe those sources, go back to your den of conspiracy theorist lovers... So if this is correct, conservatives can do the same to libs?


Let's see.... how many bottles of Jack Daniel's did you have for breakfast?


Your link links to a poorly written Gateway Pundit article that is sparse on details and has broken links. I have attached the YouTube video of court hearings, Juan Hernandez vs. City of San Jose.

The San Jose attorney doesn't mention anything about being a 'white minority'. The plaintiff is Hispanic. His photograph is here:


Nope. You're actually trying to pass off The Gateway Pundit as a legitimate news source?!? Hahahahahahaha...oh, man...that is priceless! No wonder your entire premise is flawed.
Let me believe everything on InfoWars too, huh?

