What are some gun rights?

Please do not add a whole bunch of irrelevant details. Just tell me some. Thanks xx

Dancing Imu2018-04-26T03:52:12Z

Owning a weapon. (within limits)
Carrying a weapon. (often needing special permit)
Using a weapon. (for self-defense)


It's so simple, I'll direct you to the US Constitution to read it yourself. Each state has its own laws of interpretation of said constitutional law, usually clarifying or muddying up the interpretation of self-defense, but the constitution is otherwise as explicit as an American citizen could expect. If you are not an American citizen, the cards are guaranteed to be stacked against you, whether you are innocent or not.


In Arizona, there are very few restrictions on gun owners.
You don’t need a permit to purchase a handgun or rifle. The state doesn’t require ownership registration. And you can carry a handgun, either concealed or openly, without a permit.


A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


The Right to Bear Arms. That's all I've got.

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