I'm probably going to be skewered for asking this, but WHO TAKES pills given to you at any guy's house or room who isn't "down to party?"?


If a person's judgment is that terrible, or their career is THAT important to them--same thing, really--then what exactly do they expect??

W.T. Door2018-04-27T17:19:14Z

Favorite Answer

All of the claims against Cosby appear to be from women who slept with him expecting to get something. The "something" was often a part in a TV show or movie. When they didn't get the part (or whatever) THEN it turned into "He raped me!".

In the case of the woman whose complaint resulted in the convictions of Cosby, she apparently simply wanted cash.


Um...what ?


Democrats do it then find a way to make $ from it. Look at how many women screwed Harvey Weinstein.


I don’t even know what you’re asking bro ?


I doubt you'll get skewered for asking this, but some people don't have any common sense.