My stepdaughter doesn’t like me.?

I can live with that, but she cut her father out of her life over it, and now he seldom gets to see his grandchildren. Is there anything I or my husband can say to get through to her?


Favorite Answer

It seems like your stepdaughter is just using you as an excuse to break it off with her dad. The real issue is between her and her dad.

Pearl L2018-05-28T00:29:11Z

maybe he can talk to a lawyer about getting visitation if she wont let him see his grandkids


Probably not. Give it time.


The key back into her life is by gaining approval from bio Mom. But ultimately its more dependent on your husband being tenacious to connect with his daughter.

Sunday Crone2018-05-27T15:37:29Z

Nope. There is a legal way for him to see his Grandchildren, but he would have to be willing to sue for visitation, It is called Grandparents rights, but it only works well it the kids live in the same general community. Once mom moves them out of state there is no visitation.,