Why does the US have such a big illegal immigration problem?
Could it be that the wealth and prosperity that Capitalism has brought to the US is attractive to people who live in countries that cannot make their economies work?
Could it be that the wealth and prosperity that Capitalism has brought to the US is attractive to people who live in countries that cannot make their economies work?
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Yep... That and escaping the crime, poverty and drugs that are rampant in their home countries. Of course, it helps that the USA gives all that FREE stuff to "refugees"
The problem is artificial. Conservatives/Facists/Racists hate the Brown people.
Why, because Democrats in congress do not want to fix our immigration problem, we all know that.
"We have met the enemy and it is us"
America's love affair with illegal drugs has created the ultra violent conditions that many of these people are escaping from
It's hard to believe but I guess where ever they are coming from is even more corrupt than the US.