Am I alone in thinking that modern "liberals" should find a more appropriate term for themselves?

I'm pretty conservative with libertarian leanings, and I am far more "liberal" than most of the leftists who often want to ONLY silence dissent and call names, and not allow conservatives to speak publicly (when they can stop it), and then call THEM fascists!!! Amazing...that they then call themselves "liberal."

How did this term get attributed to people who exhibit such UNliberal traits?

thomas f2018-06-30T16:13:25Z

I agree completely. Modern so-called "liberals" are big government socialists. If we don't call them socialists, then "leftist" fits, as well as "progressive" perhaps, meaning progressing to socialism.


“Liberals” are calling people of the right these things because some (not all) are exhibiting traits that align to them. The republican party has been saying and doing immoral things to other humans in the press recently, (i.e. the border, violently against gay rights, etc) and these actions are not things that can continue. You are being called these things because of what most of your party is doing, even if you don’t support them. Your opinions would be respected if you did not deny other human beings their basic rights, like that of marriage, or those of immigrants, for instance, because it doesn’t align with what you believe about how people should be. No one has the right to tell other people how to live so long as no one is harmed, and you don’t need to be in support of the way someone lives as long as you could stop trying to pass literal laws to stop them from having this freedom. This treatment is happening to you because the way you are treating other people needs to end.

Bobby Jim2018-06-30T16:04:16Z

They have. They are referred to as Hillary says, "Progressives." Blindly going where no man has gone before; but in truth, they go blindly forward into the concepts and tenets of many ruined in the history of the world.


You reek of extreme right wing conservatism so badly, I can smell your love for Hitler here.
You're contaminated w/ zero tolerance. Your condescension points the finger of blame everywhere but where it belongs ... yourself. You think lib bashing is an elevation of status but in reality all you're doing is presenting yourself as the inflexible, immature, whine baby that you are ... you're welcome for the free critique of your personality ... so sorry we all don't agree with you ... it must be a blow to your over inflated ego.
Your reputation precedes you. What you have said above is not the person you have revealed to us by the disrespectful way you have attacked people. That means we can add phony to your long list of character defects. It's not about libs it's you. The world around you reflects your stubborn hateful selfish stinkin attitude that only sees what it wants.
You think you can insult people w/ impunity. Guess what, people are paying attention and there are consequences.


Your caricature of liberals does not reflect reality.

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