why does Jason from friday the 13th want to kill people?

i feel like if he was shown love as a kid he wouldn't have these urges. maybe someone can open his heart to God.

Joseph hola2018-07-14T00:36:38Z

Favorite Answer

Jason kills because he is insane and thinks he needs to protect the camp from intruders and to avenge his mum. Also, he got involved with the occult or something evil I think. IRL I would agree he needs help, but he is fake.
At that is is a cash cow franchise, but originally it seemed to be a cautionary tale.


Because its a crappy violent movie with no plot


The camp workers let him drown as a kid and after his mom was killed, he sought revenge.


As more and more ppl study the Bible with consideration of the original words used - the 66 books of the Bible were not written in English! Or French.. etc - as more folks study the Bible with this in mind, using online or app interlinear versions with links to the original words and meanings, many are coming to believe the Bible says all will be accounted for. None lost. How can Perfection lose anything? It’s in plain English too! “God is love” and “love never fails” 1 John 4:8; 1Cor. 13:8.
- Myself..? I think Jesus on the cross is an image strong enough to (ultimately) pierce through every heart and psyche. You see, if imperfection is to be allowed to run its course - resulting from creatures w/ the ability to make choices/think - then even the worst has to be allowed to happen..
- But!“All things in heaven & earth are being gathered into Jesus” Ephesians 1:10;Colossians 1:20. Oh yes. God will “make aLL things new”. He will be “all in all” & “death will be no more”. Jn12:32,theGreek



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