Where in the Bible does God says that God is a He?
Or do we just all assume that God is a he, and why would we assume God is a he, why would God need a penis in the first place?
Or do we just all assume that God is a he, and why would we assume God is a he, why would God need a penis in the first place?
Favorite Answer
It's because for millennia, men were the dominant, superior gender and women were expected to bear children and be subservient! It was ancient man who envisioned God as being male because...well...what else could he be right?
In reality, God is most likely creative energy without form!
Bobby Jim
Genesis 1:5, 10, 16, 27, 31; 2:2,3,8,22...shall I go on?
I will ignore your "penis" comment and say ....
The first time that God is referred to as HE in the Bible (which was your question) is in the book of Genesis when HE creates man.
I think it goes something like :
".. and so God created man in his own image.
In the image of God HE created him.
Male and female HE created them".
I know that and I'm an atheist !
To answer your question though ..
Why would God refer to himself as HE ?
It would be ME or I
If god created every thing then god may be both he and she or none of them. God dont need gender. You can call she also.
Personally i think when someone help you in very critical situation then that person is like god for you.no matter its he or she only god.
Genesis 2:8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there """HE""" put the man """HE""" had formed.