Why do yankees hate southern children and their Christian values taught in school?

We have to spend a year in People's Republic of Connecticut for a construction project I was hired for. We are from Alabama. My kids are supposed to be going into 6th and 4th grade this year. They have always done well. The school after testing and interviewing my children, STRONGLY suggests they repeat 5th and 3rd grade. They are not prepared for the grade they are supposed to be in! This liberals are going to brain wash my children that is OK to have two daddys or one mommy or two is OK too! I am not appreciating this sort of thing! Seems like there will be black children who may be "smarter" or "richer" than my kids. They were raised to believe WHITE is the best! Except some darkies are good at sports.
I really need this job, but this is goibg to wreck my children! What can I do?


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I know you're probably some sort of troll, but I'll answer anyway: This is not Connecticut hating on your Christian values or children. This is an indication of a disparity between what is taught and expected in CT vs. AL.

Alabama's schooling is notoriously ranked among the worst in our nation, whereas Connecticut's is often ranked in the top percentiles. This isn't to say that Alabama doesn't have good schools...but, they're mostly private and few in number. Connecticut has the environment and infrastructure to push their students a bit harder than most of the nation, so they're ahead compared to many students in similar grades or age-ranges elsewhere. I know, this is unfair and quite maddening; but, I'd be a bit more enraged at Alabama's school boards since I do know that there are improvements they can make yet fail to do so.

Now, if your kids are said to be ill-prepared for 5th or 3rd grade, then chances are that they're right. Perhaps it's possible that they can hustle and make up what they've not learned yet in their new school - I don't know your kids so who knows - but it may be a hard hurdle for them and can come with a bunch of other obstacles (embarrassment of remedial lessons, bullying from other students given Alabama's reputation in Connecticut, etc.). Also, it could be that their evaluations aren't indicative of success, but I wouldn't bank on it.

Now, as for them teaching your kids liberal values: Chances are that they won't push it so directly, even if news stories of other places doing such do pop up every now and then. What they may do is tell them that certain things are okay, for example that having two mommies/daddies is fine...which, it is, statistically speaking. Most children of homosexual couples turn out to be well-adjusted adults on average, and actually having gay parents is a stronger indicator of success since most of the time they actually have to go through hell to get a kid so they'd raise him/her right. And as for black children being smarter or richer...yeah, they DO exist, so it's better for your kids to get used to that and learn to evaluate themselves by their own individual merits.

If you are really concerned, enroll them in a private Christian school...which will probably tell you to hold them back and will admonish you for being so bigoted against minorities, tbh. Or you can just move up there by yourself, and leave the wife and kids behind so that their lives are normal. People do that all the time, so they won't have to uproot their families and cause stress.


Put them in private school or go back home and let dad do his job without you.


Maybe my Christian values are different to yours. For example, at my church, they don’t teach us to call other Americans names and insult them for no apparent reason.

Smoking Joe Biden2018-07-30T23:20:53Z

It's just the opposite. Only conservatives hate people based on what state they came from, and have this huge attitude if you come from (gasp!) Caliifornia or New York (because we all know only horrible people live in those states).


Private school or sustain two residents.