If my nephew keeps hitting his little brothers and sisters, Am I allow to spank him?

No verbal words would work and taking stuff away from him does not stop him from hitting his sibling. He is 12 years old, is he possibly a psychopath or sociopath. Every time he explain himself, he justify as it's not his fault.

THE BANNIBAL ONE2018-07-31T18:51:38Z

Favorite Answer

Tell him that he will be given to a foster home if he keeps this up.
Also talk to his parents and recommend psychiatric help.


Not your child. No. I would break you if you hit my child. Truth


if you are their guardian responsible for them ...spank him with out any precondition ,,, and let him know he should not have right to hit them ,,if he get wronged he should have to complain for that .

All hat2018-07-31T13:57:32Z

Depends on the law where you live, and they vary. Best to ask a teacher or cop even. Be careful - you could get in trouble.


It's better to talk first and make him understand why he is wrong, the spanking should be the last resort.