Should I keep the sex of baby number 4 a surprise?

All the others I wanted to know about. Now I’ve had at least one of each sex, I wonder if I should have a surprise this time. Is a surprise fun?

Common Sense2018-08-04T17:23:33Z

The fact of the matter is that whether you know the gender of your baby or not, you will still deliver the exact baby you were meant to have. LOL!!

I "knew" deep in my soul that I was having a boy the first time, so when the tech asked if I wanted to know the sex during an ultra sound, I said "I already know it is a boy, so yes, you can confirm that". I was right.

The second time I also "knew" I was having a boy, but I decided not to ask because I wanted my husband to be surprised.

I never was even tempted to buy one girlie baby item because I "knew" I would not need it!!

Yes, a surprise is fun, especially since you already have a son(s) and daughter(s).


Consider yourself lucky that you have that choice. Only in the last 30 years has that sort of test before birth been available. We had no idea, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, what sex our 3 babies would be before birth.


Birth is intrinsically interesting enough without the element of surprise but if you'd rather combine surprise in, it's entirely up to you. As you hopefully realize as an adult and a parent.

Max Hoopla2018-08-02T13:28:32Z

It's your choice.

Russ in NOVA2018-08-02T13:27:59Z

Sure. Hopefully, it will be either your first or second choice.

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